Akai kôdan Zillion 1987

Animation Action Sci-Fi

Invaders have arrived on a second Earth called Maris in the year 2387. The natives are helpless as their weapons are ineffective against the invaders. The exception is three weapons containing the element Zillion. The Maris army f...

Todos los títulos
  • JP: Akai kôdan Zillion Akai kôdan Zillion
  • CA: Zillion Zillion
  • PL: Wojownicy Maris Wojownicy Maris
  • PL: Zillion Zillion
  • ES: Los Caballeros Blancos Los Caballeros Blancos
  • UA: Red Spark Zillion Red Spark Zillion
  • US: Zillion Zillion
  • JP: Red Spark Zillion Red Spark Zillion
  • JP: Red Spark Zillion Red Spark Zillion
Fecha de lanzamiento 12 Apr 1987
Enlace IMDb
